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Dec 2019 - Jan 2020




Florence is a city so beautiful, that it is impossible to walk through some areas without stopping and admiring the views and artwork. even visiting the same place multiple times, I never hesitate to stop as my jaw drops in awe of the towering marble statues. The amount of detail they contain is truly something to behold.


Not to mention the most incredible cathedral I have ever laid my eyes on. It is so magnificently large and colorful, which creates a unique viewing experience among the smaller, less decorative buildings around. It wants your attention and you can't help but stare at it with your mouth open. I could walk the plaza of Santa Maria del Fiore daily and not be bored. 

Another unique structure in Florence is the Jewler's Bridge. I have many photographs of it, but they don't do it justice. It is such a unique bridge that fits the aesthetic of the city ever-so-well. Especially when viewed from above off of Michaelangelo's Plaza. 

We spent Christmas in Florence and were surprised by the hospitality of the polish community in Florence which inviting us into their church for a big Christmas dinner. We also tried to spread some Christmas joy by caroling in the city center for people as they walked by and enjoyed the sights. Overall one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. 



I could speak about Roma for days. There are good and bad things about every city we visited, but the sheer contrast in this place was not what we were expecting. The drivers in Italy are the craziest in all of Europe with no regard to yours or their own safety. Plus the public transportation connections were poor. We decided the best way to explore the city was on foot and via electric scooter. These are definitely the best methods to be able to see what this ancient, massive city has to offer.

Transportation is important in Rome, as there is so much to see. The vast amount to see in this city is a real challenge. The long wait times to enter the Vatican and the Colosseum are but a few of the struggles you will be facing. The thing is, all of the wait times and dealing with how to get there is worth it. When you see the humongous arena of the Colosseum, or the giant pillars in the Vatican, the giant crowds of tourists all disappear. And you witness a piece of history with a story as old as the entire human civilization.

This ancient story can be found all throughout the city. Every little street you take by mistake actually contains masterfully architect-ed buildings, fountains, and statues. Many of which are instantly recognizable from art or film. Rome is an incredibly unique city with something to offer anyone who decides to push through the crowd and really explore. Here are some photos from our explorations.



Venice is a city like no other. The streets, paved in dihydrogen monoxide, reflect the warm suns rays onto the walls that tower over them. This looks particularly beautiful when aboard the water bus. You can make your way to any part of the island of Venice on bus, or pay the 80 EUR for a quick gondola ride.


But the best way to truly see it is on foot. Get lost in the thousands of tiny streets and bridges. You'll most eventually find yourself on the gorgeous and vast plaza of San Marco. The intricate detail of the Basilica's golden mosaics still baffle me. As well as the perfectly symmetrical and identical arches that line the buildings of the plaza. 

It is a shame that Venice is becoming a city that functions only off of tourism, but I also understand why so many tourists go. It's a place so unique and full of wonderfully colorful art, such as glass sculptures and delicately crafted masquerade masks. I wish I could experience Venice in it's hay-day.

Maybe these photos can help you picture it.

Bonus: Pisa


Not much to be said about Pisa. We were there only for a short while and saw the whole shebang. The tower is beautiful, as well as the underrated structure on the opposite of the field. It has a nice little pedestrian only street leading up to the tower. But not too much around, so here is a small album

Marek Koziol

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